Friday, October 29, 2010

Guidelines.....Barriers of communication:

. Audience - centered approach
-Meaningful to them

. Open communication climate
-Corporate culture-values,traditions and habits
-Encourage honesty confession, disagree and express
-Organization levels

. Specific

. Impersonal(Job related)

. Use "I"

. Goal oriented

. Well timed

. Understanding

. Surveys, opendoor policies, company newsletters,memos, e-mail,task forces......etc.

.Ethical communication
-Ethics-relevant and true in every sense
-Don't hide -ve information, option is not fact
-Non-selfish motive
-Dilemma, ethical lapse, ethical choices
-Making ethical choices-legal,balanced message, can you live with it and feasible

.Lean & efficient messages
-Learn,practice and enjoy

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